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Summary: 5/10 Newton Community Farm Trip

On Friday, May 10, we lucked out with the weather (the forecasted rain did not come, thankfully!) and were treated to an incredibly fun and educational session at the Newton Community Farm on Nahanton Street.

Reva Haselkorn, Director of Education at the Newton Community Farm, led the tour and our own Green Team high school student members Audrey and Kate helped to lead activities.  After a snack and introduction in the barn, Reva took us on a tour around the farm...

We learned about the farm animals, the various types of plantings...

and lots of fun facts. For example, did you know the big leaves on a rhubarb plant (in the photo below) are poisonous?)

One of the most exciting parts (in my opinion) was seeing composting in action.  Our Green Team Kids were treated to a fun compost sorting activity (using Reva's frozen food waste) and a chance to try out the tumbler compost bin (many of the kids found out that turning it is harder than it looks).

For many of the Green Team Kids, feeding the chickens was the highlight of the trip.  Interestingly, the best thing to feed these particular chickens is mallow, an edible weed, growing nearby.

The trip was a success! Thanks to all who contributed to this enriching experience.


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